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Furious victims of phone thefts say they are being ignored by police d…

23-04-16 15:40


Furious victims of phone thefts say they are being ignored by police despite tracking their stolen devices - and are being left with no choice but to try and hunt them down themselves.
More than 90,000 phone thefts were recorded in alone last year, with victims across the UK saying the issue has become 'a that goes unpunished'.
Just 2,000 mobile phones were returned to their rightful owners in 2022, equivalent to just two per cent, with some devices ending up as far afield as and within just days.
Often victims are able to track down the exact location of their stolen phone, but say police 'do nothing' to retrieve it.
Shelby-Jade Murdock, jasa pembuatan pt Jakarta selatan 27, was visiting her family in the UK when her phone was ripped from her jacket pocket during as she walked along a road in Manchester city centre.
Shelby-Jade Murdock, 27, clinical data manager at the University of Utah, whose phone was stolen in Manchester
Scarlett White and her father (pictured) took it upon themselves to visit the location of her mobile phone after police refused
She reported the incident to police and told investigators the exact location of her phone, but her case was closed without any officers visiting attempting to recover it.
Ms Murdock, a clinical data manager at the University of Utah, told MailOnline: 'I didn't notice it had been stolen until I got a notification through my Apple Watch a few minutes later. 


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