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Woman attempts to steal purse from fellow bus passenger

23-02-14 18:57


A woman who tried to steal a purse was left hanging upside-down from a bus after the driver closed the door on her.
The woman's leg was trapped after she tried to steal from another passenger on the bus and then dashed for the exit in Campina Grande, .
However the driver slammed on the emergency button to close the doors at the exact moment she stepped out on to the pavement.
A woman who tried to steal a purse was left from a bus after the driver closed the door on her
Elias Barbos, a journalist in Brazil, filmed the woman dangling upside down and screaming for help after the altercation.
She was stranded for more than 10 minutes as crowds simply ignored her pleas and waited for police to arrive at the scene last Saturday afternoon.
RELATED ARTICLES Share this article Share Ms Barbos said: 'The woman got her leg stuck in the door of the bus after being suspected of trying to steal from a passenger in the centre of Campina Grande.
'Nobody wanted to help her. People just stood around looking at her until police arrived.'
She was filmed trying to get her leg out and delegowanie pracowników przez agencje pracy tymczasowej screaming for Delegowanie pracowników budowlanych help but no one came to her aid
A spokesman at the local police station, Delegacia Regional da Polícia Civil, said that the woman had confessed to the attempted theft. 
They added: 'There were a lot of witnesses on the bus.

This was a primary offence. She will be imprisoned upon a second crime.'


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주소 : 경상북도 경주시 외동읍 석계평리길 79-65
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